110 Ascentia M Series User’s Manual
Color depth 69
COM port 100
COM1 port field 50
COM2 Mode field 51
COM2 port field 50
Compact discs, playing 32
computer 43
video features 68
Connecting peripheral devices 23
Contrast adjustment keys 10, 18
Contrast, adjusting 10, 18
Conventional memory 100
password 57
save to disk partition 64
CRT/LCD keys 17
Cursor control keys 16
Cylinders field 48
password 58
save to disk partition 66
Disassembly warning 12
Disc 100
Discard Changes & Exit field 56
Disk 100
Disk cache 100
Disk sector 104
Diskette A field 46
Diskette controller field 51
Display, adjusting 10
Disposing of battery packs 38
DMA (direct memory access) 101
Docking options 93
Drive light 22
Drivers 78
DS-STN (Dual-scan super twist
nematic) LCD 67, 101
Exit menu, System Setup 56
Extended Memory field 50
External Cache field 49
External monitor 68, 81
External numeric keypad 93
FAT-16 34
FAT-32 34
Fixed disk boot sector field 52
Floppy cable
connecting 26
optional 93
removing 26
Floppy check field 49
Floppy disk 101
Floppy drive
connecting to the floppy
cable 25
using 29
Function keys 16
Fn+Down Arrow 18
Fn+F1 17
Fn+F10 18
Fn+F11 18
Fn+F12 18
Fn+F2 17
Fn+F3 17
Fn+F4 17
Fn+F5 17
Fn+F6 18
Fn+F7 18
Fn+F8 18
Fn+F9 18
Fn+Left Arrow 18
Fn+Right Arrow 18
Fn+Up Arrow 18
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