Skipping: i: ,
Certain; knits and synthetics;
Bent or blunt needle ....
Incorrect :setting of needle.
Tight upper thread tension:
Light pressure on presser foo_.
Choose correct size needle for thread and fabric.
Use "Q N E_:Dt,_:,_.
Insert new needle,
Reset needle.
Loosen upper thread tension.
increase pressure on presser foot.
Breaking Upper
: .... Starting to stitch too:fast.
improper: :threading.
Tight upperithread tension.
incorrect size needle
Sharp eye in needle.
Nicks or burrs on shuttle;
Nir,,ks or burrs:at hole of needle
Start to stitch at a medium speed,
Rethread machine,
Loosen upper thread tension.
Choose correct size needle for thread and fabric.
Insert new needle.
Replace shuttle, or polish off burrs completely.
Replace needle plate, or polish off burrs completely.
Breaking Bobbin:
Improper bobbin case threading,
Tight bobbin thread tension,
Lint in bobbin case or shuttle;
Check bobbin case threading.
Loosen bobbin thread tension,
Clean bobbin case and shuttle.
Fabric not
Feed dog down: Raise feed dog.
Light pressure on presser foot. Increase pressure on presser foot.
Place both threads back under presser foot before
Thread knotted :_under :fabric. beginning to stitch.
Machine Jamming: Thread caught in shuttle.
Knocking Noise
Disassemble and clean shuttle.