Imp: ":: 'ortant ..... ::_:....
uTru"e'o_ :"'rnin "_tkew u- control, make sure needle is above fabric and Stitch Width._:_
Controlis at reddot: : "::::_:
illustrated above is the one used for most of your stitching. At this
The setting ...... .... . . • zi za stitch,
......... strai htst=tch, stretch st=tch and make a simple g g ::::, ,,.
setting you may .....g .... • controls, carerul=y
...... . , ....... in sof our other ........ ......
..... endent upon the sett g Y : . ..... ::
h stitch ts dep . ...........
As eac ..... ...... , ous st=tches.
; .... .....' ..... s in the next section of the book for the van _;....
,ead the direction ............... _: :_. :::