Crankcase Splitting
Crankcase Splitting
Remove the engine (see Engine Removal in the Engine
Removal/Installation chapter).
Set the engine on a clean surface and hold the engine
steady while parts are being removed.
Crankshaft Sensor (see Crankshaft Sensor Removal in
the Electrical System chapter)
Starter Clutch (see Starter Clutch Removal in the Elec-
trical System chapter)
Cylinder Head (see Cylinder Head Removal in the En-
gine Top End chapter)
Starter Motor (see Starter Motor Removal in the Electri-
cal System chapter)
Clutch (see Clutch Removal in the Clutch chapter)
Oil Pump (see Oil Pump Removal in the Engine Lubri-
cation System chapter)
Alternator Rotor (see Alternator Removal in the Electri-
cal System chapter)
Oil Cooler/Oil Filter Case (see Oil Cooler/Oil Filter Case
Removal in the Engine Lubrication System chapter)
Oil Pan (see Oil Pan Removal in the Engine Lubrication
System chapter)
Oil Screen (see Oil Pressure Relief Valve Removal in the
Engine Lubrication System chapter)
External Shift Mechanism (see External Shift Mecha-
nism Removal)
Remove the upper crankcase bolts, following the speci-
fied sequence.
Firstly, loosen the M6 bolts [A].
Secondly, loosen the M7 bolts [B].
Lastly, loosen the M8 bolts [C].