Exhaust Butterfly Valve Actuator (Service Code 63)
Confirm the pulley angle [A] (41.7° ±7°) as shown. It is
original position of the pulley [B].
If the angle is not within the specified angle, adjust the
actuator as follows.
Connect the actuator connectors.
Turn the ignition switch ON.
Confirm the pulley turns clockwise and then counterclock-
wise, and clockwise again
Turn the ignition switch OFF.
Confirm the pulley turns counterclockwise little.
The position is original position of the pulley.
If the position is not within the specified angle above, re-
place the exhaust butterfly valve actuator.
Install the actuator [A] on the rear fender.
Nuts [B]
Washers [C]
Exhaust Butterfly Valve Actuator Mounting Bolts [D]
Torque - Exhaust Butterfly Valve Actuator Mounting Bolts:
0.8 N·m (0.08 kgf·m, 7 in·lb)
Install the close cable first and then open cable (see Ex-
haust Butterfly Valve Cable Installation in the Engine Top
End chapter)
Exhaust Butterfly Valve Actuator Inspection
Remove the seat cover (see Seat Cover Removal in the
Frame chapter).
Turn the ignition switch ON.
Check to see the pulley [A] clockwise [B] and counter-
clockwise [C] smoothly.
If the pulley does not operate, check the exhaust butterfly
valve actuator sensor output voltage (see Output Voltage