Some of the following symbols may be used on your tool. Please
study them and learn their meaning. Proper interpretation of these symbols will
allow you to operate the tool better and safer.
V Volts Voltage (Potential)
A Amperes Current
Hz Hertz Frequency (Cycles per Second)
W Watt Power
Kg Kilograms Weight
Alternating Current Type of Current
Direct Current Type of Current
Alternating or Direct Current Type of Current
Earthing Terminal Grounding Terminal
Class II Construction Denotes Double Insulation
min Minutes Time
s Seconds Time
Diameter Size of Drill Bits,
Grinding Wheels, etc.
No load speed No-load Rotational Speed
.../min Revolutions per Minute Revolutions, Surface Speed,
Strokes, etc. per Minute
1,2,3, … Ring Selector Settings Speed, Torque or Position Settings
If the blade becomes twisted or misaligned in the cut, the teeth at the back edge of the
blade can dig into the top surface of the wood causing the blade to climb out of the kerf
and jump back toward the operator.
Kickback is the result of tool misuse and/or incorrect operating procedures or
conditions and can be avoided by taking proper precautions as given below:
MMaaiinnttaaiinn aa ffiirrmm ggrriipp oonn tthhee ssaaww aanndd ppoossiittiioonn yyoouurr bbooddyy aanndd aarrmm iinn aa wwaayy tthhaatt
aalllloowwss yyoouu ttoo rreessiisstt KKI
ICCKKBBAACCKK ffoorrcceess..
KICKBACK forces can be controlled by the
operator, if proper precautions are taken.
WWhheenn bbllaaddee iiss bbiinnddiinngg,, oorr wwhheenn iinntteerrrruuppttiinngg aa ccuutt ffoorr aannyy rreeaassoonn,, rreelleeaassee tthhee
geerr aanndd hhoolldd tthhee ssaaww mmoottiioonnlleessss iinn tthhee mmaatteerriiaall uunnttiill tthhee bbllaaddee ccoommeess ttoo aa
ccoommpplleettee ssttoopp.. NNeevveerr aatttteem
mpptt ttoo rreemmoovvee tthhee ssaaww ffrroomm tthhee wwoorrkk oorr ppuullll tthhee ssaaww
bbaacckkwwaarrdd wwhhiillee tthhee bbllaaddee iiss iinn mmoottiioonn oorr KKIICCKKBBAACCK
K mmaayy ooccccuurr..
Investigate and
take corrective actions to eliminate the cause of blade binding.
WWhheenn rreessttaarrttiinngg aa ssaaww iinn tthhee wwoorrkk ppiieeccee,, cceenntteerr tthhee ssaaww bbllaaddee iinn tthhee kkeerrff aanndd
cchheecckk tth
haatt tteeeetthh aarree nnoott eennggaaggeedd iinnttoo tthhee mmaatteerriiaall..
If saw blade is binding, it may
walk up or KICKBACK from the work piece as the saw is restarted.
SSuuppppoorrtt llaarrggee ppaanneellss ttoo mmiinniimmiizzee tthhee rriisskk ooff bbllaaddee ppi
inncchhiinngg aanndd KKIICCKKBBAACCKK..
panels tend to sag under their own weight. Supports must be placed under the panel
on both sides, near the line of cut and near the edge of the panel.
DDoo nnoott uussee dduullll oorr ddaammaaggeedd bbllaaddee..
Unsharpened or improperly set blades produce
narrow kerf causing excessive friction, blade binding and KICKBACK.
BBllaaddee ddeepptthh aanndd bbeevveell aaddjjuussttiinngg lloocckkiinngg lleevveerrss mmuusstt bbee ttiigghhtt aanndd sseeccuurree bbeeffoorree
mmaakkiinngg ccuutt..
If blade adjustment shifts while cutting, it will cause binding and KICK-
UUssee eexxttrraa ccaauuttiioonn wwhheenn mmaakkiinngg aa ““PPoocckkeett CCuutt”” iin
nttoo eexxiissttiinngg wwaallllss oorr ootthheerr bblliinndd
The protruding blade may cut objects that can cause KICKBACK.