• Mark out the line to be cut so it
is easily visible.
• Start inside the area to be cut out.
• Set the shoe against the work
piece at an angle.
• Lift the blade guard.
• Pull the trigger to start the saw.
• When the blade reaches full
speed, slowly feed the blade
into the work piece. When the
blade starts cutting, release the
blade guard.
AAllwwaayyss rreemmoovvee tthhee bbaatttteerryy ppaacckk bbeeffoorree aatttteemmppttiinngg
cclleeaanniinngg oorr mmaaiinntteennaannccee..
hhiiss CCiirrccuullaarr SSaaww iiss lluubbrriiccaatteedd bbeeffoorree iitt lleeaavveess
tthhee ffaaccttoorryy..
This lubrication should last for the life of the tool. No further
lubrication is required.
UUssee oonnllyy mmiilldd ssooaapp aanndd aa ddaammpp ccllootthh
ttoo cclleeaann tthhee ttooooll..
Never let any liquid get
inside the casing. Never immerse any part of the tool in a liquid. Always keep the
ventilation openings clear.
AAllwwaayyss cclleeaann tthhee bbaatttteerryy ppaacckk uussiinngg oonnllyy aa ddrryy ccllootthh.. DDoo nnoott uussee lliiqquuiiddss..
ayyss uunnpplluugg tthhee cchhaarrggeerr bbeeffoorree cclleeaanniinngg iitt..
RReegguullaarrllyy cclleeaann tthhee vveennttiillaattiioonn sslloottss iinn yyoouurr ttooooll aanndd cchha
arrggeerr uussiinngg oonnllyy aa ssoofftt
bbrruusshh oorr ddrryy ccllootthh..
IInnssppeecctt aallll mmoouunnttiinngg ssccrreewwss rreegguullaarrllyy.. TTiigghhtteenn aannyy lloooossee
ssccrreewwss.. FFaaiilluurree ttoo kkeeeepp
tthhee mmoouunnttiinngg ssccrreewwss ttiigghhtt ccoouulldd rreessuulltt iinn sseerriioouuss iinnjjuurriieess..
NNeevveerr ooppeenn tthhee C
Coorrddlleessss CCiirrccuullaarr SSaaww ccaassee,, bbaatttteerryy ppaacckk oorr cchhaarrggeerr..
Do not
attempt to repair the Cordless Circular Saw, battery pack or charger yourself.
Opening any of these parts will void your warranty.
AAllwwaayyss hhoolldd tthhee ssaaww iinn ffrroonntt ooff yyoouu aanndd aawwaayy ffrroomm yyoouurr bbooddyy.. KKeeeepp yyoouurr
hhaannddss aanndd ffeee
ett wweellll aawwaayy ffrroomm tthhee wwoorrkk ppiieeccee..
NNeevveerr ffeeeedd tthhee bbllaaddee iinnttoo tthhee wwoorrkk ppiieeccee uunnttiill tthhee bbllaaddee iiss aatt ffuul
lll ssppeeeedd..
IIff tthhee bbllaaddee iiss nnoott aatt ffuullll ssppeeeedd,, tthhee ssaaww mmaayy kkiicckk bbaacckk ccaauussiinngg sseerriioouuss
ppeerrssoonnaall iinnjjuurryy.
DDoo nnoott ffoorrccee tthhee ssaaww.. EExxcceessssiivvee ffoorrccee mmaayy rreessuulltt iinn aa
bbrrookkeenn bbllaaddee..
Use only enough pressure to keep the saw moving through the
work piece.
• Put on eye protection.
• Clear the saw of any foreign material.
• Make sure the work piece is held securely in place. Hold smaller pieces in a vise
or attach to the workbench with clamps.
• Mark out the line to be cut so it is easily visible.
• Check the lower guard for damage. If damaged, do not use tool.
• Always use the right blade for the material.
• Make sure all bolts, screws and locking levers are secure before starting tool.
• Pull the trigger to start the saw.
• Set the shoe against the work piece.
• When the blade reaches full speed, slowly feed the blade into the work piece.
When the blade starts cutting, release the blade guard.
IIff tthhee bbllaaddee bbiinnddss,, rreelleeaassee tthhee ttrriiggggeerr iimmmmeeddiiaatteellyy..
not move the saw until the blade comes to a complete stop. Find the cause of
the binding before starting the saw again.
IIff tthhee bbllaaddee b
beeccoommeess ppiinncchheedd,, ttwwiisstteedd,, mmiissaalliiggnneedd oorr
bboouunndd,, iitt wwiillll ssttaallll aanndd lliifftt uupp oouutt ooff tthhee wwoorrkk ppiieeccee,, ssuudddde
ennllyy jjeerrkkiinngg bbaacckk
ttoowwaarrdd tthhee ooppeerraattoorr..
This reaction is referred to as KICKBACK.