Q. Can I open the door whenthe oven is operating?
A. The door can be openedanytimeduring thecookingoperation. The
ovenwill automaticallystop cookingand the time settingwill maintain
untilthe door is closed andthe Start Pad istouched.
Q. What causes the oven interiorlight and displayto dim when using
a VariablePower Level?
A. This is normaland indicatesthe oven isoperating andcycling properly.
Q. Why does steam and/or vaporescape aroundthe door and mois-
ture dropletsform on the inside of oven door?
A. This isa normaloccurrence- asfoodcooks,steamis givenoff.
Q What do the various beeps mean?
A. Short beep= any pad is touched.
Three short beeps = incorrectentry.
One longbeep= oven pluggedin.
Three long beeps= end of cooking(microwavewill turn off).
Seriesof three short beeps = check foodto see ifturningor rearranging
is needed.
Q. Can the oven be used with the glasstray or roller guide removed?
A. No. Boththe glasstrayandrollerguidemustalwaysbe usedinthe