
1. Donotdefrostcovered meat. Covering mightallow cookingtotake place. Always
removeouterwrapandtray. Placefoodona microwave-saferackina dish. During
"defrost, juices accumulatein dish and may become hotenough to cook the food.
Elevating meat off of the dishwill prevent the bottomand side from beginningto
2. Begindefrostingwhole poultrybreast-side-down. Begindefrostingroasts fat-side-
3. The shapeofthe packagealters thedefrostingtime. Shallowrectangularshapes
defrost morequicklythan a deep block.
4. Defrost By Weight is programmed for specificweights. Defrost results will be
affected if you enter an incorrectweight.
5. DefrostByWeightis programmedforfrozenfoodat0°F. Iffoodisstoredata higher
temperature, expect shorter defrost times.
6. After _/3the defrosttime, check thefood. Youmaywish to turn over, break apart,
rearrange or removethawed portions of the food.
7. During defrost (weight ortime), the ovenwill prompt you to turn the food over.
Atthispoint,openovendoorandcheckthefood. Followthetechniqueslistedbelow
for optimumdefrostresults. Then, close ovendoor, touch Start Pad to complete
A) Turn Over Roast, ribs, whole poultry,turkey breasts, hot dogs, sau-
sages, steaks,or chops.
B) Rearrange Breakapartor separatesteaks, chops,hamburgerpatties,
ground meat, chicken or seafood pieces,chunks of meat
such as stewbeef.
C) Shield Usesmallstrips ofaluminumfoiltoprotectthinareas,edges
or unevenly shaped foods such as chicken wings. To
preventarcing,donotallowfoiltocomewithin1-inchof oven
walls or door.
D) Remove To prevent cooking, thawed portions should be removed
from the ovenat this point. This may shorten defrosttime
for foods weighing less than 3-1bs.
8. Afterdefrosting, allowfood to stand 10to 20 minutesif there are any icy _reas. If
largesolidroasts,such assirlointipor rumproasts,are notcompletelythawedafter
standing,return roast to oven and program Defrost ByWeight for 1 lb.