
There is now a new Console Manager task that offers
basic messaging capabilities to allow system operators or
administrators to coordinate their activities. The new task
may be invoked directly, or via a new option in Users and
Tasks. This capability is available for HMC and SE local
and remote users permitting interactive plain-text com-
munication between two users and also allowing a user to
broadcast a plain-text message to all users. This feature is
a limited instant messenger application and does not inter-
act with other instant messengers.
HMC z/VM Tower System Management Enhancements
Building upon the previous z/VM Systems Management
support from the Hardware Management Console (HMC),
which offered management support for already defi ned
virtual resources, new HMC capabilities are being made
available allowing selected virtual resources to be defi ned.
In addition, further enhancements have been made for
managing defi ned virtual resources.
Enhancements are designed to deliver out-of-the-box
integrated graphical user interface-based (GUI-based)
management of selected parts of z/VM. This is especially
targeted to deliver ease-of-use for enterprises new to
System z. This helps to avoid the purchase and installa-
tion of additional hardware or software, which may include
complicated setup procedures. You can more seamlessly
perform hardware and selected operating system man-
agement using the HMC Web browser-based user inter-
Support for HMC z/VM tower systems management
enhancements is exclusive to z/VM 5.4 and the System z10.
Enhanced installation support for z/VM using the HMC
HMC version 2.10.1 along with Support Element (SE)
version 2.10.1 on z10 BC and corresponding z/VM 5.4 sup-
port, will now give you the ability to install Linux on System
z in a z/VM virtual machine using the HMC DVD drive. This
new function does not require an external network con-
nection between z/VM and the HMC, but instead, uses the
existing communication path between the HMC and SE.
This support is intended for customers who have no alter-
native, such as a LAN-based server, for serving the DVD
contents for Linux installations. The elapsed time for instal-
lation using the HMC DVD drive can be an order of magni-
tude, or more, longer than the elapsed time for LAN-based
Using the legacy support and the z/VM 5.4 support, z/VM
can be installed in an LPAR and both z/VM and Linux on
System z can be installed in a virtual machine from the
HMC DVD drive without requiring any external network
setup or a connection between an LPAR and the HMC.
This addresses security concerns and additional confi gura-
tion efforts using the only other previous solution of the exter-
nal network connection from the HMC to the z/VM image.
Support for the enhanced installation support for z/VM using
the HMC is exclusive to z/VM 5.4 and the System z10.