enhanced access to open code libraries, both of which
can be used to lower development costs. Large memory
spaces can be used to increase both system and appli-
cation effi ciency as I/Os or memory management can be
z/TPF is designed to support:
• 64-bit mode
• Linux development environment (GCC and HLASM for
• 32 processors/cluster
• Up to 84* engines/processor
• 40,000 modules
• Workload License Charge
Linux on System z
The System z10 BC supports the following Linux on
System z distributions (most recent service levels):
• Novell SUSE SLES 9
• Novell SUSE SLES 10
• Red Hat RHEL 4
• Red Hat RHEL 5
Operating System ESA/390 z/Architecture
(31-bit) (64-bit)
z/OS V1R8, 9 and 10 No Yes
z/OS V1R7
with BM Lifecycle
Extension for z/OS V1.7 No Yes
Linux on System z
, Red Hat
RHEL 4, & Novell SUSE SLES 9 Yes Yes
Linux on System z
, Red Hat
RHEL 5, & Novell SUSE SLES 10 No Yes
z/VM V5R2
, 3
and 4 No* Yes
z/VSE V3R1
Yes No
z/VSE V4R1
and 2
No Yes
z/TPF V1R1 No Yes
TPF V4R1 (ESA mode only) Yes No
1. z/OS V1.7 support on the z10 BC requires the Lifecycle Extension for
z/OS V1.7, 5637-A01. The Lifecycle Extension for z/OS R1.7 + zIIP Web
Deliverable required for z10 to enable HiperDispatch on z10 (does not
require a zIIP). z/OS V1.7 support was withdrawn September 30, 2008.
The Lifecycle Extension for z/OS V1.7 (5637-A01) makes fee-based cor-
rective service for z/OS V1.7 available through September 2009. With
this Lifecycle Extension, z/OS V1.7 supports the z10 BC server. Certain
functions and features of the z10 BC server require later releases of
z/OS. For a complete list of software support, see the PSP buckets and
the Software Requirements section of the z10 BC announcement letter,
dated October 21, 2008.
2. Compatibility Support for listed releases. Compatibility support allows OS
to IPL and operate on z10 BC.
3. Requires Compatibility Support which allows z/VM to IPL and operate on
the System z10 providing IBM System z9
functionality for the base OS
and Guests. *z/VM supports 31-bit and 64-bit guests.
4. z/VSE V3 31-bit mode only. It does not implement z/Architecture, and
specifi cally does not implement 64-bit mode capabilities. z/VSE is
designed to exploit select features of System z10, System z9, and IBM
5. z/VSE V4 is designed to exploit 64-bit real memory addressing, but will
not support 64-bit virtual memory addressing.
Note: Refer to the z/OS, z/VM, z/VSE subsets of the 2098DEVICE Preventive
Planning (PSP) bucket prior to installing a z10 BC.