Exchange 2003 VSS Backup Solution
For IBM Storage DS8000/DS6000
And Symantec Backup Exec 11d
Page 62 David West, David Hartman
Copyright IBM Corp. 2007
Offhost backups are also supported, which offloads the backup and integrity
check processing to a Backup Exec media server instead of the Exchange
server. Moving the backup load from the Exchange server to a media server
enables better backup performance and frees the Exchange server as well.
The Exchange Agent snapshot does not support:
• NAS configurations
• The Exchange 2003 Recovery Storage Group feature
• Exchange 2000 on Windows Server 2003. To avoid errors, Symantec
recommends that you create a separate, non-snapshot backup job for
the Exchange 2000 Server or Exchange Server 2003 on Windows
• Backup of the Site Replication Services (SRS)
• Mixing snapshot backups and non-snapshot backups is not
recommended, due to a Microsoft Exchange limitation. It is possible to
run legacy backups, and VSS backups separately in the same
environment, however they are not restore compatible. For example,
you can not restore a legacy incremental backup over a VSS full
• Backup jobs for which the option Continuously back up transaction
logs with Backup Exec Continuous Protection Server is enabled.
Before configuring a VSS backup job, set the VSS defaults from the Backup
Exec Administration console.
Set the Default VSS Options
1. Set the Advanced Open File Option defaults from the Tools menu.
Click Options, then on the Properties pane, under Job Defaults, click
Advanced Open File.
2. Select Use Advanced Open File Option.
3. Do not enable Automatically select open file technology. We must
be able to specify which VSS components are used during the