Exchange 2003 VSS Backup Solution
For IBM Storage DS8000/DS6000
And Symantec Backup Exec 11d
Page 26 David West, David Hartman
Copyright IBM Corp. 2007
• represents the IP address of the Enterprise
Storage Server.
• essuser represents the DS Storage Manager user name.
• esspass represents the DS Storage Manager password for the
user name.
The following is an example of a successful response:
Thu Oct 09 11:22:28 PDT 2003 IBM ESSCLI
Server Mode Mfg WWN CodeEC Cache NVS Racks
---------- ----- --- ---------------- --------- ----- --
--- -----
2105.22232 800 013 5005076300C09470 8GB 2GB
c. Verify that the CLI.CFG file is set correctly. From the command
prompt window, issue the following command:
rsTestConnection.exe /s /v primaryservername
• /s primaryservername represents the IP address or the complete
host name of an ESS Copy Services server.
• /v designates that all responses from the server be displayed.
Note: In some cases the ESS CLI does not work correctly unless
the system has been rebooted following the new installation of the
3. Using the Windows Services Facility, verify that the SLP is active by
selecting Start Æ Settings Æ Control Panel. Double-click the
Administrative Tools icon, and then double-click the Services icon.
a. Find the Service Location Protocol (SLP) in the Name column.
For this component, the Status column should be marked
Started and the Startup Type column should be marked
Manual. If either of those conditions are not met, right click on
Service Location Protocol and click Start from the pop-up
menu. Wait for the Status to change to Started.
b. Do not close the Services window, because you will use it in
the next step to verify that the CIMOM is started.