4-12 109627_0910
NOTE: Place the dipstick/filler plug into the oil inlet to
measure the oil level. Do not screw dipstick into housing
when checking oil level. Figure 4-26
2. If the level is low, add ISO VG46 hydraulic oil through
the filler hole. Do not fill above the dipstick full mark.
3. Reinstall the dipstick/filler plug.
Change the oil every 500 hours or annually.
1. With the oil at normal operating temperature, drain the oil
by removing the rear axle and final reduction gear case
drain plugs. Reinstall the plugs after the oil has drained.
Discard the oil. Figure 4-27 & Figure 4-28
2. Supply new ISO VG46 hydraulic oil into the fill hole
until oil level is between the two marks on the dipstick.
Figure 4-26
3. To fill the final reduction gear cases with new ISO VG46
hydraulic oil:
a. Remove the right and left rear wheels.
b. Oil supply plugs are located on the front side of the
right and left final reduction gear case. Remove the
plugs. Figure 4-29
c. Pour the hydraulic oil in the plug holes until the final
reduction gear cases are full
d. Re-install plugs.
PTO control lever adjustment
NOTE: Adjust the PTO control lever linkage every 100 hours.
1. The PTO control lever must move easily (soft), through
the first 50% of travel. The remaining 50% of control
lever travel must have a resistance (hard).
2. At the point of resistance (50% into the control lever
stroke), attach a pull scale to the PTO control lever. A
reading of 11.5 lbs (5 kg) is correct at the point of
Figure 4-24
Figure 4-25
Figure 4-26
Figure 4-27
Figure 4-28
Rear axle oil fill
& dipstick
Final reduction gear
case drain plug