Master Programming Level Programming
MS-9200UDLS PN 52750:A 11/04/05 63
Monitor module type selection will affect the function of the point as follows:
1. For the PROCESS-MONITOR-AR selection, AR refers to AutoResettable
2. For HVAC RESTART and HVAC OVRRIDE descriptions, refer to "Monitor
Module Operation" on page 179
Table 3.1 Monitor Types
Monitor Type Action When Activated
Pull-Station Fire Alarm
User-Defined-1 same as previous (Pull-Station)
Waterflow Fire Alarm Delayed
User-Defined-2 same as previous (Waterflow)
Monitor Fire Alarm
User-Defined-3 same as previous (Monitor)
Future not used
Future not used
Smoke-Conventional Fire Alarm
User-Defined-5 same as previous (Smoke-Conventional)
Heat-Conventional Fire Alarm
User-Defined-6 same as previous (Heat-Detector)
Medic-Alert Supervisory, latching
User-Defined-7 same as previous (Medic-Alert)
Hazard-Alert Supervisory, latching
User-Defined-8 same as previous (Hazard-Alert)
Tornado-Alert Supervisory, latching
User-Defined-9 same as previous (Tornado-Alert)
Future not used
Future not used
Tamper Supervisory, nonlatching (tracking)
User-Defined 11 same as previous (Tamper)
Supervisory Supervisory, latching
User-Defined 12 same as previous (Supervisory)
Supervisory-AR Supervisory, nonlatching (tracking)
User-Defined 13 same as previous (Supervisory-AR)
Power-Monitor Power Fault
User-Defined 14 same as previous (Power Monitor)
Trouble-Monitor Trouble
User-Defined-15 same as previous (Trouble Monitor)
Process-Monitor Piezo
User-Defined 16 same as previous (Process-Monitor)
Process-Monitor-AR Piezo, nonlatching (tracking)
User-Defined-17 same as previous (Process-Monitor-AR)
Future not used
Future not used
Ack-Switch Acts like panel Acknowledge Key
Sil-Switch Acts like panel Silence Key
Reset-Switch Acts like panel Reset Key
Drill-Switch Acts like panel Drill Key
PAS-Bypass PAS Disable
Drill-Switch-AR Acts like panel Drill Key, nonlatching (tracking)