Transmittal Priorities Central Station Communications
MS-9200UDLS PN 52750:A 11/04/05 157
1. With 685-8 Line Card with Rev. 4.4d software
2. With 9002 Line Card Rev. 9035 software or 9032 Line Card with 9326A
3. Rev. 4.0 software
4. FBI CP220FB Rec-11 Line Card with Rev. 2.6 software and a memory card with
Rev. 3.8 software
5. Model 6500 with Rev. 600 software
6. Mode 6000 with Rev. 204 software
7. With Rev. B control card at Rev. 1.4 software and Rev. C line card at Rev. 1.5
8. Model 2 only
9. Version 1.62 software
IMPORTANT! It is the installer’s responsibility to ensure that the Digital Alarm
Communicator/Transmitter is compatible with the Central Station Receiver, utilized by
the monitoring service, prior to installation. The Compatibility Table provides a list of
compatible receivers and associated software versions for the receivers. Changes in the
hardware and/or software by the receiver manufacturers may affect the receiver
compatibility with the FACP DACT. After completing the installation, communication
between the DACT and Central Station Receiver must be tested and verified.
Table 5.3 Compatible UL Listed Receivers
Format #
(Addresses 16 & 42)
685 (1)
Silent Knight
9000 (2)
CS-4000 (3)
Osborne Hoffman
Models 1 & 2
6000 (6)
6500 (5)
3000R (7)
MLR-2 (9)
0 4+1 Ademco Express
1 4+2 Ademco Express
2 3+1/Standard/1800/2300
3 3+1/Expanded/1800/2300
4 3+1/Standard/1900/1400
5 3+1/Expanded/1900/1400
6 4+1/Standard/1800/2300
7 4+1/Expanded/1800/2300
8 4+1/Standard/1900/1400
9 4+1/Expanded/1900/1400
A 4+2/Standard/1800/2300
B 4+2/Expanded/1800/2300
C 4+2/Standard/1900/1400
D 4+2/Expanded/1900/1400
E Ademco Contact ID
FNot Used