Page 24 IFS-2600 Installation & Programming Manual
P/N 10069 ECN08-0066
Zone functions are those relating specifically to the detection zones. Following is an explanation of their
operation and the keystrokes required to perform the function required.
The alarm test function momentarily disconnects the detector lines of the zone(s) under test and simulates a
detector going into alarm, therefore testing the zone(s) alarm detection capability.
A resistive load equal to worst case alarm condition is placed on the zone for a period of 120 seconds and
then removed, if the zone being tested is not a latching type, the alarm will reset automatically once the load is
removed. Acknowledging and resetting the alarm will terminate an alarm test.
Once the zone has alarmed, all outputs are initiated (as programmed) similar to a real alarm.
The zone may be isolated prior to an alarm test if desired; this will prevent any outputs from operating.
β#β in the above key sequence is the zone number.
If only one zone is to be tested, use the appropriate number. Alternatively the "ALL" button can be used to
simultaneously test all zones.
To perform an alarm test:
1. Press the "ALARM TEST" button once; the buzzer will give 2 short beeps to indicate that alarm test mode
has been entered.
2. The LCD display will read "ALARM TEST MODE, ENTER ZONE No.".
3. Now enter the zone number ("#") 1-64 or βallβ
4. Press "ENT"
If a correct entry is made, alarm testing on the zone commences immediately. However remember there is a 2
second transient delay on all zones. It will therefore take approximately 2 seconds before the zone registers an
alarm (this could be longer, depending on zone type).
A long beep will signify an incorrect entry and will revert back to normal operating mode. The "ALARM TEST"
button will need to be depressed again to re-enter alarm test mode.