Page 18 IFS-2600 Installation & Programming Manual
P/N 10069 ECN08-0066
Ensure batteries are disconnected.
Turn mains switch to "on"
The "mains on" led should light.
Allow 15 seconds for the panel to perform its start up tests.
Connect batteries
Primary ac supply voltage: 200 or 220 or 240vac +10% as required
Charger output voltage without batteries: 27.3v dc
Keypad functional
Perform auto test
Led’s all functional
LCD backlighting functional
Liquid crystal display functional
Zone fault detection
Zone alarm detection
Internal sounder operating
MCP loop wired to zone number ______ (if applicable)
Test auxiliary power output
Test bell output
Test warning system output
Test ACF output
Test door holder output (optional)
Test bell output supervision
Test warning system output supervision
Test ACF output supervision
Test brigade alarm relay #1
Test brigade alarm relay #2
Test standby relay (normally energised)
Test fault relay (normally energised)
Test mains fail relay
Test isolate relay
Test general alarm relays (2)
Test relay boards (if fitted)
Test open collector output boards (if fitted)
Press "battery test" once
If batteries are flat, allow 24hrs to charge and then re-test.