SJ300 Inverter
Appendix B
Command – 05 The 05 command reads the inverter’s trip history.
The frame format of command 05 follows the
diagrams and specification tables. The transmit
frame has no data field.
The receive frame has a 440-byte data field. This
consists of an 8-byte total accumulated number of
trip events, followed by six 72-byte strings for the
six most recent trip events as shown below.
The nine bytes of data for each trip event history is listed below. The data contains the multi-
plier to adjust the decimal point. Divide the data by that factor to derive the actual value.
Element Description Size Value
STX Control code (STart of TeXt) 1 byte STX (0x02)
Node Node (station) address of inverter 2 bytes 01 to 32
Command Transmission command 2 bytes 05
BCC Block check sum code 2 bytes Exclusive OR of Node,
Command, and Data
[CR] Control code (carriage return) 1 byte [CR] (0x0D)
Element Description Size Value
STX Control code (STart of TeXt) 1 byte STX (0x02)
Node Node (station) address of inverter 2 bytes 01 to 32
Data Transmission data 440
(see next table)
BCC Block check sum code 2 bytes Exclusive OR of Node,
Command, and Data
[CR] Control code (carriage return) 1 byte [CR] (0x0D)
No. Monitor Item Units Multiplier
1Trip factor — —
2 Inverter Status A — —
3 Inverter Status B — —
4 Inverter Status C — —
5 Output frequency Hz 10
6 Accumulated Run Mode time hours 1
7 Output current A 10
8 Output voltage V 10
9 Power ON time hours 1
STX Node Command BCC [CR]
Transmit frame format
Node Data BCC [CR]
Receive frame format
Data field contents
Trip 3Trip 2Trip 1
Total count Trip 6Trip 5Trip 4