SJ300 Inverter
and Monitoring
Parameters for the second motor and third motors have function codes of the form x2xx and
x3xx respectively. They appear immediately after the first motor’s parameter in the menu
listing order. The following table lists the parameters that have the second/third parameter
registers for programming.
Function Name
Parameter Codes
1st motor 2nd motor 3rd motor
Multi-speed frequency setting A020 A220 A320
Acceleration time setting (Acceleration 1) F002 F202 F302
Deceleration time setting (Deceleration 1) F003 F203 F303
Second acceleration time setting (Accelera-
tion 2)
A092 A292 A392
Second deceleration time setting (Decelera-
tion 2)
A093 A293 A393
Select method to use 2nd acceleration/deceler-
A094 A294 —
Acc1 to Acc2 frequency transition point A095 A295 —
Dec1 to Dec2 frequency transition point A096 A296 —
Level of electronic thermal setting B012 B212 B312
Select electronic thermal characteristic B013 B213 B313
Torque boost method selection A041 A241 —
Manual torque boost value A042 A242 —
Manual torque boost frequency adjustment A043 A243 A343
V/F characteristic curve selection A044 A244 A344
Base frequency setting A003 A203 A303
Maximum frequency setting A004 A204 A304
Select motor constant H002 H202 —
Motor capacity setting H003 H203 —
Motor poles setting H004 H204 —
Motor constant R1 setting (Standard, Auto
H020/H030 H220/H230 —
Motor constant R2 setting (Standard, Auto
H021/H031 H221/H231 —
Motor constant L setting (Standard, Auto
H022/H032 H222/H232 —
Motor constant Io setting (Standard, Auto
H023/H033 H223/H233 —
Motor constant J setting (Standard, Auto
H024/H034 H224/H234 —
Motor constant Kp setting (Standard, Auto
H005 H205 —
Motor stabilization constant H006 H206 —