Travelstar 5K160 (SATA) Hard Disk Drive Specification
**4(=x) In-order data delivery
**3(=x) Device initiated interface power management
**2(=x) DMA Setup Auto-Activate optimization
**1(=x) Non-zero buffer offset in DMA Setup FIS
0(=0) Reserved
80 00FCH Major version number
ATA-1,2.3 and ATA/ATAPI-4, 5, 6, 7
81 001AH Minor version number—ATA/ATAPI-7 T13 1532D revision 1 --
82 746BH Command set supported
15 (=0) Reserved
14 (=1) 1=NOP command supported
13 (=1) 1=READ BUFFER command supported
12 (=1) 1=WRITE BUFFER command supported
11 (=0) Reserved
**10 (=1) 1=Host Protected Area Feature Set supported
9 (=0) 1=DEVICE RESET command supported
8 (=0) 1=SERVICE interrupt supported
7 (=0) 1=release interrupt supported
6 (=1) 1=look-ahead supported
5 (=1) 1=write cache supported
4 (=0) 1=supports PACKET Command Feature Set
3 (=1) 1=supports Power Management Feature Set
2 (=0) 1=supports Removable Media Feature Set
**1 (=1) 1=supports Security Feature Set
**0 (=1) 1=supports S.M.A.R.T Feature Set
Note.1 The ‘*’ mark in ‘Content’ field indicates the use of those parameters that are vendor specific.
Note.2 The feature marked ‘**’ is able to be unsupported by the Device Configuration Overlay
Figure 36 Identify device information --- Continued ---
83 7F69H Command set supported
15 (=0) Always
14 (=1) Always
13 (=1) 1=FLUSH CACHE EXT command supported
12 (=1) 1=FLUSH CACHE command supported
11 (=1) 1=Device Configuration Overlay command supported
10 (=1) 1=48-bit Address feature set supported
9 (=1) 1=Automatic Acoustic Management supported
**8 (=1) 1=SET MAX security extension supported
7 (=0) Reserved
6 (=1) 1=SET FEATURES subcommand required to spin-up
5 (=1) 1=Power-Up In Standby feature set supported
4 (=0) 1=Removable Media Status Notification Feature Set
3 (=1) 1=Advanced Power Management Feature Set
2 (=0) 1=CFA Feature Set supported
1 (=0) 1=READ/WRITE DMA QUEUED supported
0 (=1) Download Microcode Command Supported
84 4163H Command set/feature supported extension
15 (=0) Always