Travelstar 5K160 (SATA) Hard Disk Drive Specification
The DEVICE CONFIGURATION IDENTIFY command returns a 512 byte data structure via PIO
data-in transfer. The content of this data structure indicates the selectable commands, modes, and
feature sets that the device is capable of supporting. If a DEVICE CONFIGURATION SET command
has been issued reducing the capabilities, the response to an IDENTIFY DEVICE or IDENTIFY
PACKET DEVICE command will reflect the reduced set of capabilities, while the DEVICE
CONFIGURATION IDENTIFY command will reflect the entire set of selectable capabilities.
The format of the Device Configuration Overlay data structure is shown on next page.
14.2.4 DEVICE CONFIGURATION SET (subcommand C3h)
The DEVICE CONFIGURATION SET command allows a device manufacturer or a personal
computer system manufacturer to reduce the set of optional commands, modes, or feature sets
supported by a device as indicated by a DEVICE CONFIGURATION IDENTIFY command. The
DEVICE CONFIGURATION SET command transfers an overlay that modifies some of the bits set
in words 63, 78, 79, 82, 83, 84, and 88 of the IDENTIFY DEVICE command response. When the bits
in these words are cleared, the device no longer supports the indicated command, mode, or feature
set. If a bit is set in the overlay transmitted by the device that is not set in the overlay received from
a DEVICE CONFIGURATION IDENTIFY command, no action is taken for that bit.
The format of the overlay transmitted by the device is described in the table at next page. The
restrictions on changing these bits are described in the text following that table. If any of the bit
modification restrictions described are violated or any setting is changed with DEVICE
CONFIGURATION SET command, the device shall return command aborted. At that case, error
reason code is returned to sector count register, invalid word location is returned to LBA High
register, and invalid bit location is returned to LBA Mid register. The Definition of error information
is shown on the next page.
After establish a protected area with SET MAX address, if a user attempts to execute DC SET or DC
RESTORE, device abort that command and return error reason code as below.
LBA High : 03h = word 3 is invalid
LBA Mid : 00h this register is not assigned in this case
Sector count : 06h = Protected area is now established
When device is enabled the Security feature set, if user attempts to disable that feature, device abort
that command and return error reason code as below.
LBA High : 07h = word 7 is invalid
LBA Mid : 08h = bit 3 is invalid
Sector count : 04h = now Security feature set is enabled
Word Content
0 0002h Data Structure revision
1 Multiword DMA modes supported
15-3 Reserved
2 1 = Multiword DMA mode 2 and below are supported
1 1 = Multiword DMA mode 1 and below are supported
0 1 = Multiword DMA mode 0 is supported
2 Ultra DMA modes supported
15-6 Reserved
5 1 = Ultra DMA mode 5 and below are supported
4 1 = Ultra DMA mode 4 and below are supported