68 HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP128: Site Preparation Guide
The LUSE feature is available when the HP StorageWorks LUN
Configuration Manager product is installed.
ExSA Extended serial adapter.
failover Disconnecting a failed unit or path and replacing it with an alternative unit
or path in order to continue functioning.
FC Fibre Channel.
FC-AL Fibre Channel arbitrated loop.
FCP Fibre Channel Protocol.
fence level A level for selecting rejection of a write I/O request from the host according
to the condition of mirroring consistency.
FICON IBM mainframe Fiber Optic Connection.
GB Gigabytes.
GLM Gigabyte link module.
HA High availability.
HBA Host bus adapter. A built-in function or a card installed in a PC or other
host computer to enable connection of the host to the SAN.
host mode Each port can be configured for a particular host type. These modes are
represented as two-digit hexadecimal numbers. For example, host mode 08
represents an HP-UX host.
hot standby Using two or more servers as a standby in case of a primary server failure.
HP Hewlett-Packard Development Company.
I/O Input/output (applies to an operation or device).
LAN Local area network.
LD, LDEV Logical device. An LDEV is created when a RAID group is carved into
pieces according to the selected host emulation mode (that is, OPEN-3,
OPEN-8, OPEN-9). The number of resulting LDEVs depends on the
selected emulation mode. The term LDEV is often used synonymously
with the term volume.