Glossary 65
ACP Array control processor. The ACP handles the passing of data between the
cache and the physical drives held in the DKU. ACPs work in pairs,
providing a total of eight SCSI buses. Each SCSI bus associated with one
ACP is paired with a SCSI bus on the other ACP pair element. In the event
of an ACP failure, the redundant ACP takes control. Both ACPs work
together sharing the load.
AL Arbitrated loop.
AL-PA Arbitrated loop physical address.
allocation The ratio of allocated storage capacity versus total capacity as a percentage.
“Allocated storage” refers to those LDEVs that have paths assigned to
them. The allocated storage capacity is the sum of the storage of these
LDEVs. Total capacity refers to the sum of the capacity of all LDEVs on
the disk array.
array group A group of 4 or 8 physical hard disk drives (HDDs) installed in an XP disk
array and assigned a common RAID level. RAID1 array groups are made
up of 4 HDDs (2D+2D). A RAID1 group is two 4 HDD array groups
concatenated together (4D+4D). RAID5 array groups are made up of 4 or 8
HDDs, depending on whether they are RAID5 3D+1P or RAID5 7D+1P,
respectively. All RAID6 array groups are made up of 8 HDDs (6D+2P).
ASE Application System Engineer.
BC The HP StorageWorks Business Copy XP software program, which enables
you to maintain up to nine internal copies of logical volumes on the disk