
Version 1.2 Page 61 4/22/04
In the previous example, two SCSI boards are in the listing. The information for both channels of both
SCSI boards is shown in bold, for highlighting purposes.
For each channel of the SCSI board, you need to note certain information. As an example, look at the
information for the first SCSI board (the first two bold lines). For each channel of this SCSI board, note the
following information:
Bus id Identifies the bus the device is on; for the SCSI board, this is the same
for both channels. In this example, the bus number is 40.
Dev # The ID the device is assigned on the bus; for the SCSI board, this is the
same for both channels. In this example, the SCSI board is device 01.
Fnc # Identifies the channel of the device (00 for channel A, 01 for channel
B, etc.). In this example, because the SCSI board has two channels, one
channel is 00 and the other is 01.
Vendor ID Shows the device’s vendor ID; for the SCSI board, this is the same for
both channels. For all SCSI board HBAs, the ID is Oxl000.
Device ID Shows the device’s device ID; for the SCSI board, this is the same for
both channels. For all SCSI board HBAs, the ID is 0x0021.
Slot # Identifies the physical card slot in the system where the HBA is
installed; for the SCSI board, this is the same for both channels. In this
example, the HBA is in slot 03.
Path Identifies the device’s path; for the SCSI board, this is the same for
both channels. In this example, the HBA’s path is Acpi (HWP0002,
200) /Pci (1 I 0) for channel A and
Acpi (HWP0002, 200) /Pci (lii) for channel B.
Using the SCSI board’s information from the example above, the pieces of information that, combined, tell
you this is a SCSI board are the following (shown in bold, for highlighting purposes):
00 40 01 00 0*1000 0*002103 Acpi(HWP0002,200)/Pci(110)
00 40 01 01 0*1000 0x002103 Acpi(HWP0002,200)/Pci(lll)
Looking at all of the above information together, the Vendor (Oxl000) and Device (0x0021) are the IDs for
a SCSI board. Of the devices with those IDs, this device has two channels (Fnc * of 00 immediately
followed by Fnc # of 01). Also, this SCSI board has a numeric (non-xx) Slot # (03, in this example).
Step 2. Still at the EFI shell prompt, type this command to obtain the controller’s handle for the SCSI card:
A tree of all EFI-capable devices installed in the system is displayed. The output could look like the
Shell> devtree
Device Tree
Ctrl[0A] Acpi(HWP0002,0)
Ctrl[15] Usb Open Host Controller
Ctrl[3D] Acpi(HWP0002,0)/Pci(1|0)/Usb(1, 0)
Ctrl[16] Usb Open Host Controller
Ctrl[17] Acpi(HWP0002,0)/Pci(1|2)
Ctrl[18] PCI IDE/ATAPI Controller
Ctrl[50] DV-28E-B
Ctrl[19] Acpi(HWP0002,0)/Pci(3|0)