
Version 1.2 Page 5 4/22/04
The HP Integrity Server system provides two console options: the Baseboard Management Console (BMC)
and the Management Processor (MP) console. Both consoles can be used to power-cycle the systems and
perform hardware-related operations. In addition to the low-level console functions, the Integrity Server
system has a replacement for the SRM console in the Alpha processors, Extensible Firmware Interface
(EFI). This document provides command summaries and examples of commonly used commands for both
the BMC and the MP.
Ctrl/H and the Delete Key
Unlike OpenVMS, which uses the character 0X7F DEL/RUBOUT, the BMC and the MP consoles and the
EFI environment use Ctrl/H. If you press the Delete key on a VTxxx terminal or the key you have mapped
to send 0X7F in your terminal emulator, the character is not deleted.
This occurrence has triggered a new SYSGEN parameter, TTY_DEFCHAR3, and a new SET TERMINAL
COMMAND to tell the terminal driver to re-map Ctrl/H to DEL. If you want the re-mapping to be system
wide for all terminals, you need to OR 0x10 into the current value stored in TTY_DEFCHAR3. If you
want to re-map a single terminal, issue the command:
$ set terminal/backspace=delete
Doing this allows you to change your terminal or terminal emulator to send Ctrl/H instead of DEL. When
using command-line editing, you can still return to the start of the line by pressing the F12 key on a VTxxx
terminal, or you can enter Ctrl/V Ctrl/H Ctrl/H.
If you set your terminal to re-map Ctrl/H to DEL, the driver does not perform the re-mapping operation if
the terminal is in one of the following states:
Terminal attribute is set to PASSALL
o Terminal attribute is set to PASTHRU
o Entering Ctrl/V tells the driver to pass the next character and skip the re-map check.
Console Input, Output, and Error
Currently, OpenVMS has two console restrictions for both the BMC and MP consoles:
1. The input, output, and error devices of these must point to a serial line console.
2. They must all be the same serial device.
If these conditions are not met you receive a warning out to the VMS_LOADER, and you may see other
errors in later parts of the boot. Additionally, you may lose output that you would normally expect to see
when booting.