
SRM Console A-13
A.4.3 Show hwrpb
The show hwrpb command displays the hwrpb memory location.
Syntax: show hwrpb
Example A3 Show hwrpb Command
P00>>> sho hwrpb
HWRPB is at 2000
00002000 hwrpb
0 00000000 00002000 Physical address of base of HWRPB
8 00000042 50525748 Identifying string ’HWRPB’
16 00000000 0000000D HWRPB version number
24 00000000 00000B80 HWPRB size
32 00000000 00000000 ID of primary processor
40 00000000 00002000 System page size in bytes
48 00000000 0000002C Physical address size in bits
56 00000000 000000FF Maximum ASN value
64 7373656E 646E694B System serial number
72 00007427 6E736920
80 00000000 00000022 Alpha system type
88 00000000 00003005 system subtype
96 00000000 00000005 System revision
104 00000000 00400000 Interval clock interrupt frequency
112 00000000 31ABA855 Cycle Counter frequency
120 00000002 00000000 Virtual page table base
128 00000000 00000000 Reserved for architecture use, SBZ
136 00000000 00000140 Offset to Translation Buffer Hint Block
144 00000000 00000002 Number of processor supported
152 00000000 00000280 Size of Per-CPU Slots in bytes
160 00000000 00000180 Offset to Per-CPU Slots
168 00000000 00000001 Number of CTBs in CTB table
176 00000000 00000160 Size of largest CTB in CTB table
184 00000000 00000680 Offset to Console Terminal Block
192 00000000 000007E0 Offset to Console Routine Block
200 00000000 00000840 Offset to Memory Data Descriptors
208 00000000 00034260 Offset to Configuration Data Table
216 00000000 001DE000 Offset to FRU Table
224 00000000 00000000 Starting VA of SAVE_TERM routine
232 00000000 00000000 Procedure Value of SAVE_TERM routine
240 00000000 00000000 Starting VA of RESTORE_TERM routine
248 00000000 00000000 Procedure Value of RESTORE_TERM routine
256 00000000 00000000 VA of restart routine
264 00000000 00000000 Restart procedure value
272 00000000 00000000 Reserved to System Software
280 00000000 001E0000 Reserved to Hardware
288 7373D9DA 555F8E8F Checksum of HWRPB
296 00000000 00000000 RX Ready bitmask
304 00000000 00000000 TX Ready bitmask