HP ImageREt 3600 64
specifications 2
Restore defaults
network settings 41
restoring default settings 14
revision level 5
RGB settings 61, 64
safety statements 145, 146
scale documents
Macintosh 30
Windows 55
scatter, troubleshooting 114
serial number 5
HP ToolboxFX settings 76
information form 134
repacking the product 133
service error message 97
Service menu 14
service page 10
Services tab
Macintosh 32
color 64
configuration page 38
driver presets (Macintosh) 30
drivers 23, 28
HP ToolboxFX 73
network configuration page 38
network report 10
priority 22, 28
restoring defaults 14
System Setup menu 11
Settings tab, embedded Web
server 78
shipping lock error
message 100
shipping the product 133
shortcuts 55
Show IP address
setting 40
size specifications, product 136
sizes, media
default, setting 11
skewed pages 114
smeared toner,
troubleshooting 112
embedded Web server 25
HP ToolboxFX 26, 69
HP Web Jetadmin 25
Macintosh 28
problems 120
settings 22, 28
software license
agreement 130
supported operating
systems 18, 28
Windows 17, 26
spare parts 125
special media
guidelines 49
special paper
guidelines 49
acoustic 138
documentation 125
electrical 137
environment 138
features 2
model and serial number 5
physical 136
specks, troubleshooting 111
print specifications 2
spots, troubleshooting 111
sRGB settings 61, 64
alerts, HP Toolbox FX 70
Macintosh services tab 32
supplies, printing report 10
viewing with HP Toolbox
FX 70
Status tab, embedded Web
server 78
Status tab, HP Toolbox FX 70
stopping a print job 54
print cartridges 80
product 138
streaks, troubleshooting 112
subnet mask 42
subnets 42
counterfeit 80
error messages 100
low or out, settings 12
non-HP 80
order message 99
ordering 76, 125
recycling 141
replace message 99, 100
shipping lock error
message 100
status, viewing with HP Toolbox
FX 70
wrong position error
message 98
supplies status page 10
supply-status, Services tab
Macintosh 32
Windows 56
online 56, 76, 132
service information form 134
supported media 45
System Setup menu 11
System Setup tab,
HP ToolboxFX 75
configuring 41
operating systems
supported 34
overview 41
protocols supported 36
settings 15
technical support
online 132
service information form 134
temperature specifications 138
text, troubleshooting
misformed characters 113
loose, troubleshooting 112
scatter, troubleshooting 114
smeared, troubleshooting 112
specks, troubleshooting 111
toner cartridges. See print
ToolboxFX,HP 69
trapping 61
tray 1
jams, clearing 102
loading 50
ENWW Index 153