10-4 Recovering Your Data
WARNING: Be sure to discontinue testing the DR Set when instructed to do so.
By proceeding with the recovery process, you would be recovering the data from
the CD which would overwrite the data on that drive.
2. If you do not receive the messages listed in the steps for data recovery,
follow the directions for creating another Disaster Recovery Set. See
“Creating the Disaster Recovery Set” on page 10-2.
To test your Windows NT Disaster Recovery Set:
1. Follow steps 1 through 8 in the Windows NT section of “Recovering Your
WARNING: Be sure to discontinue testing the DR Set when instructed to do so.
By proceeding with the Disaster Recovery Wizard, you would be recovering the
data from the CD which would overwrite the data on that drive.
Recovering Your Data
If you are certain that you have lost your data due to a major system
problem, such as a hard-drive failure, it will be necessary to recover your
data by using your most recent Disaster Recovery Set.
HP Disaster Recovery uses the data located on your Disaster Recovery Set
to restore your files and other vital system information to your new or
replaced hard-drive.
For Windows 95 and Windows 98
The Disaster Recovery process for Windows 95 and Windows 98 takes
place in DOS. A series of screens will appear in DOS and prompt you to
insert the media from your Disaster Recovery Set.
What is DOS? DOS is a simple operating system that resides on your
Windows 95/98 Startup Disk.
To recover your data:
1. You should first decide if another recovery method is possible. For
example, if the problem appears to be associated with the Windows
operating system, such as a corrupt registry, try to recover by following