6-8 Modifying Your CD Layout
Modifying Your CD Layout
The following sections describe how to make changes to your CD layout.
Changing the Order of Your Songs
Once you have added more than one song to your CD layout, you can
change the order of the songs at any time before creating the CD.
To change the order of the songs, follow these steps:
1. Select the song whose order you want to change in the CD layout.
2. Drag the song to the position where you want it to appear in the Audio
CD Layout window.
Removing Songs from Your CD Layout
You can remove any song you have added to a CD layout at any time
before you create a CD. To remove a song from your CD layout, follow
these steps:
1. Select the song you want to remove in the Audio CD Layout window.
2. Select Cut from the Edit menu.
Renaming Songs in Your CD Layout
To rename a song listed in your CD Layout, follow these steps:
1. Select the song you want to rename in the Audio CD Layout window.
2. Select Rename in the Track menu.
3. Type the new name in the text box.