Input/Output (IO) Menu
This menu contains the items related to I/O buffering. See Chapter 2,
“Memory and Memory Management,” for additional information about
the I/O functionality of your printer.
Table 4-12 presents the messages that will appear when you select each
of the menu items.
Table 4-12 IO Menu
Menus Item Explanation
The rate at which data is transferred to print a page.
[5 SEC,
10 SEC,
15 SEC*,
20 SEC,
30 SEC,
60 SEC,
120 SEC,
180 SEC,
240 SEC,
300 SEC]
The time, measured in seconds, that the printer
waits before ending an incomplete print job. Once
the item is selected, press [+] repeatedly to choose
the desired setting for best performance.
The portion of the printer memory set aside to hold
incoming data. When this item is set to AUTO, the
memory set aside for I/O buffering is automatically
determined by the printer based on available
memory. When it is set to ON, the size can be
manually adjusted. When it is set to OFF, no
memory is set aside. This menu item will NOT
appear in the menu unless sufficient memory is
available to allow I/O buffering. For PCL, the
standard 4 Mbytes of memory is sufficient. For
PostScript it will take more than 12 Mbytes of
memory. See Chapter 2 to learn how I/O buffering
improves performance.
Note: When the I/O buffer settings change, all
downloaded resources are deleted, unless they are
stored on the optional printer hard disk.
Becomes visible only if IO BUFFER is set to ON. It is
used to set the size of the buffer. Once the item is
selected, press [+] repeatedly to reach the
increment value desired. If you hold down the [+]
key, the values speed the increments.
* Factory default.
4-28 Printer Control Panel EN