Control Panel Keys
The function of each of the five keys on the control panel is labeled
above each key.
Control Panel Keys
The control panel arranges various printer options in a simple menu
structure similar to the levels of an outline. Each menu contains several
items. These items are operations the printer performs when you select
Table 4-2 summarizes the function of each control panel key (examples
are provided later in this chapter).
Table 4-2 Control Panel Keys
Key Function
[On Line] Switches the state of communication between computer and printer to ON
(online) or OFF (offline). Stops printing as soon as possible.
[Menus] Provides a menu system for obtaining status information or changing the
printer configuration.
[Items] Cycles through the items on the selected menu. Menu items vary
depending on the options installed and configuration of other menu choices.
[+] Steps through the item choices.
[Select *] Selects a desired menu item choice.
Figure 4-2
Printer Control
EN Printer Control Panel 4-3