Publishing History
The following table shows the printing history of this document. The first entry in the table
corresponds to this document, while previous releases are listed in descending order.
What’s in This Document
• Chapter 1, Introduction to AAA Server, contains an overview of product features and
basic information about using the server.
• Chapter 2, Installing and Starting the HP-UX AAA Server, leads you through server
installation, testing the installation, and starting the Server Manager GUI.
• Chapter 3, Basic Configuration Tasks, contains procedures that lead you through basic
configuration and testing tasks.
Typographical Conventions
monospace Identifies files, daemons, or any other item that may appear on screen
italics Identifies titles of books, chapters, or sections
Document Advisories Different types of notes appear in the text to call your attention to
information of special importance. They are enclosed in ruling lines with a header that
indicates the type of note and its urgency.
Table 1 Getting Started Guide Printing History
Release Date
Supported OS
T1428-90058 10/04 A.06.01.x HP-UX 11i v1, 11i v2
T1428-90049 01/04 A.06.01.x HP-UX 11.00, 11i v1, 11i v2
T1428-90043 10/03 A.06.01.x HP-UX 11.00, 11i v1
T1428-90026 04/03 A.06.00.08 HP-UX 11.00, 11i v1
T1428-90015 02/03 A.06.00.07 HP-UX 11.00, 11i v1
T1428-90002 06/02 A.05.01.01 HP-UX 11.00, 11i v1