Basic Configuration Tasks
Adding and Modifying Users
Chapter 3 37
User Name: Value to compare to the User-Name attribute value in the request. It must
be less than 64 characters. &, “, ~, \, /,%, $, ‘, and space characters may not
be used.
IMPORTANT You must enter the user’s fully-qualified name when adding
to the default users file (using the Users link in the
Navigation Tree): for example, enter
user1@organization.com instead of only entering user1.
Authentication Type:
Use this field to supersede the Authentication type specified in the user’s
realm. Selecting Local will use the authentication method specified by the
user’s realm.
Password and Confirm Password:
Enter the user’s password and confirm it by entering it again.
Password Hashing Mechanism:
Choose how you want to store user passwords by selecting a hashing
method. Select Plain Text to be compatible with most client password
hashing methods. If you prefer not to use Plain Text, be sure the password
storage hashing method you choose is compatible with the client password
hashing method as described in Table 3-1 on page 33.
The remaining fields and tabs in Define Users screen allow you to specify two types of user
profile attributes: check items and reply items.
Check Items: An optional list of zero or more attribute-value pairs, delimited by white
space. These items indicate various attribute values that the server will
compare to the corresponding attribute values in the Access-Request.
Reply Items: Reply items generally get returned to configure the client for the user’s
session. They include information like PPP configuration values, the name
of the host that the user wishes to connect to, or an optional packet filter
Each of the fields on the first four tabs (General, NAS/Login, Framed, and Others)
corresponds to an attribute that can be used in a user profile as a check or reply item. When
specifying attribute values through these tabs, all A-V pairs that may ordinarily be used as
either a check or a reply item in a server configuration are automatically added as a reply
item, unless the Free tab is used.
There are many more attributes, including vendor-specific attributes, that can be added to a
user profile. The Free tab allows you to enter any of these attributes in the Check and Reply
list boxes.