52 Chapter 4 ENWW
Redistributing toner
When toner is low, faded or light areas appear on the printed page. You might be able to
temporarily improve print quality by redistributing the toner, which means that you might be able to
finish the current print job before replacing the print cartridge.
Note You will feel some resistance when you open the print cartridge door. Opening the print cartridge
door conveniently lifts the print cartridge for removal.
1 Open the print cartridge door, and remove the print cartridge from the printer.
CAUTION To prevent damage, do not expose the print cartridge to light. Cover it with a sheet of paper.
2 To redistribute the toner, gently shake the print cartridge from side to side.
CAUTION If toner gets on your clothing, wipe it off with a dry cloth and wash the clothing in cold water. Hot
water sets toner into the fabric.
3 Reinsert the print cartridge into the printer, and close the print cartridge door.
If the print is still light, install a new print cartridge. See Changing the print cartridge