ENWW Using the print server’s embedded Web server 145
Using the print server’s embedded Web server
The HP Jetdirect 200m print server has an embedded Web server that allows you to configure
various print server parameters in a standard Web browser. The print server’s supported Web
browsers are Internet Explorer version 5.0 or later and Netscape Navigator version 4.75 or later.
To use the print server’s embedded Web server, open the browser and type the print server’s IP
address as the URL. Print a configuration page to find the IP address. See Printing a configuration
page for more information.
Changing the IP address
The easiest way to change the print server’s IP address is to use the embedded Web server.
Note Consult your network administrator before changing the print server’s IP address. Be sure to notify
other users of any changes.
1 Open a Web browser and type the print server’s current IP address as the URL.
2 Click the Networking tab.
3 In the TCP/IP section, change the configuration method to Manual.
4 Type a new IP address in the IP address box.
Note You will lose your connection to the embedded Web server when you change the IP address. To
re-establish the connection, type the new IP address in the browser’s URL field.