42 Chapter4
Troubleshooting SCSI
0x55 0x00 system resource failure
0x56 0x00 reserved
0x57 0x00 unable to recover table of contents
0x58 0x00 generation does not exist
0x59 0x00 updated block read
0x5A 0x00 operator request or state change input (unspecified)
0x5A 0x01 operator medium removal request
0x5A 0x02 operator selected write protect
0x5A 0x030 operator selected write permit
0x5B 0x00 log exception
0x5B 0x01 threshold condition met
0x5B 0x02 log counter at maximum
0x5B 0x03 log list codes exhausted
0x5C 0x00 rpl status change
0x5C 0x01 spindles synchronized
0x5C 0x02 spindles not synchronized
0x5D 0x00 reserved
0x5E 0x00 reserved
0x5F 0x00 reserved
0x60 0x00 lamp failure
0x61 0x00 video acquisition error
0x61 0x01 unable to acquire video
0x61 0x02 out of focus
0x62 0x00 scan head positioning error
0x63 0x00 end of user area encountered on this track
0x64 0x00 illegal mode for this track
0x65 0x00 reserved
0x66 0x00 reserved
0x67 0x00 reserved
SCSI Additional Sense and Qualifier Codes (Continued)
Sense Code