which share the same network address space. Refer to the Installing and
Administering LAN/9000 Software manual for detailed information
about subnetworks and subnet addressing.
Subnet mask: A 32-bit mask which, when AND'd with an internet
address, determines a subnetwork address. When the internet address is
AND'd with the subnet mask, the ones in the host portion of the subnet
mask will “overwrite” the corresponding bits of the host portion of the
internet address, resulting in the subnet address. Refer to the Installing
and Administering LAN/9000 Software manual for detailed information
about subnet masks.
Switch: A network interconnection device that allows multiple
connected senders and receivers to communicate simultaneously in
contrast to a hub (repeater) where only one device can send at a time.
Some switches have fixed port speeds (10 Mbit/s or 100 Mbit/s) while
others allow port speeds to be configured or autonegotiated.
Synchronous Data Transfer One of the ways data is transferred over
the SCSI bus. Transfers are clocked with fixed-frequency pulses.
System BIOS Controls the low level POST (Power On Self Test) and
basic operation of the CPU and computer system.
Termination The electrical connection required at each end of the SCSI
bus, composed of a set of resistors.
Topology: The physical and logical geometry governing placement of
nodes in a computer network. Also, the layout of the transmission
medium for a network.
Ultra SCSI A standard for SCSI data transfers. It allows a transfer rate of up to 20
MBytes/sec over an 8-bit SCSI bus, and up to 40 MBytes/sec over a 16-bit SCSI
bus. STA (SCSI Trade Association) supports using the term “Ultra SCSI” over the
older term “Fast-20.”
Ultra2 SCSI A standard for SCSI data transfers. It allows a transfer rate of up to 40
MBytes/sec over an 8-bit SCSI bus, and up to 80 MBytes/sec over a 16-bit SCSI
bus. STA (SCSI Trade Association) supports using the term “Ultra2 SCSI” over the
older term “Fast-40.”
UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair) Cabling: A data cable type