PCA 300 PCA 301
Range 0.00 to 5.00 mg/L 0.00 to 5.00 mg/L
Free Cl
Total Residual Cl
Resolution 0.01 mg/L
Accuracy ±8% of reading or ±0.05 mg/L
whichever is greater
Typical EMC ±0.05 mg/L
Minimum 0.05 mg/L
detectable level
Repeatability ±0.05 mg/L
Response time Related to the sampling time selected.
Typical for a full scale step change and
5 minutes between two consecutive
samples: one sampling cycle for 90%
response and two sampling cycles for
100% response
Sampling rate Adjustable from 3 to 102 minutes
Sample inlet 0.07 bar (1psig) min., 4 bar (57.2 psig)
pressure max. An internal regulator reduces
pressure from 4 bar (57.2 psig) to
1 bar (14.3 psig)
Sample flow Flow rate of 300 mL/min is recom-
range mended. Minimum and maximum
allowed are 100 mL/min and
500 mL/min, respectively
Sample 5 to 40°C (41 to 104°F)
temperature range
Interferences Oxidizing agents such as: Iodine,
Bromine, Ozone, Chlorine Dioxide,
Permanganate, Hexavalent Chromium.
Hardness must not exceed 1000 mg/L
as CaCO
. Alkalinity must not exceed