• Return the starter grip handle slowly. Do Not let rope
"snap back" againststarter.
• When engine starts, slowly move choke lever to the
"Open" position. If engine falters, move choke lever to
the "Closed" position, then to the "Open" position.
• If engine fails to start after six pulls, move choke lever to
the "Open" position. If engine fires, but does not
continue to run, move choke lever to the "Closed"
position, then to the "Open" position.
NOTE: If the recoil starter ishard to pull,it maybenecessary
to squeezethe gun triggerto relieveinternalpump pressure.
How to Stop Your Pressure Washer
• Move throttle lever on engine to "Stop" position.
• Rotate the fuel valve lever to the "Off" position.
• Squeeze trigger on the spray gun to relieve
pressure in the hose.
NOTE: A small amount of water will squirt out when you
releasethe pressure.
How to Use Accessory Tray
The unit isequipped with an accessory tray with placesto
store your nozzle extension, and slots to hold the cleaning
solution bottle and the detergent siphoningfilter. There are
alsotwo hooks on the handle to hold your spray gun and
high pressure hose.
NOTE: The extra holes in the tray are for storing a brush
and a turbo wand. The brush and turbo wand are NOT
included with your pressure washer.You canbuy these
• Placethe nozzle extension through the hole on the
accessorytray asshown in Figure 15.
• Hang your chemical solution bottle on the "J"hook and
place the detergent siphoning filter in the last slot on the
left (Figure 15).
• Hang the high pressure hose on the hook attached to
the handle on the right side of the unit (Figure 15).
• Placethe spray gun on the hook attached to the handle
on the left side of the unitas shown on page4.
How to Use the Adjustable Nozzle
You now should know how to START your pressure
washer and how to STOP it. The informationinthis
section witl tell you how to adjust the spraypattern and
apply detergent or other cleaning chemicals.
_ DANGER! Never adjust spray pattern when
spraying.Never put hands in front of nozzle to
adjust spray pattern.
The adjustable nozzle affixed to the nozzle extension
permits you to adjust the spray pattern and the spray
pressure, asfollows:
• Slide the nozzle forward to adjust the spray to low
pressure mode (Figure 16).Slidethe nozzle backward to
achieve high pressure.
Slide nozzle backward
for high pressure mode.
Slide nozzle forward for
low pressure mode and
detergent application.