Generac Portable Products 2,400 PSIHigh PressureWasher
• Operate engine only at governed speed. Runningthe
engine at excessivespeeds increasesthe hazardof
personal injury. Do Not tamper with parts which may
increase or decreasethe governed speed.
• Do Not wear loose clothing, jewelry or anything that
may be caught in the starter or other rotating parts.
• Before starting the pressure washer in cold weather,
check all parts of the equipment and be sure ice hasnot
formed there.
• Never usea spraygun whichdoesnot havea trigger lock
or trigger guard in placeand in working order.
• Keep the hose connected to machine or the spraygun
while the system ispressurized. Disconnecting the hose
while the unit ispressurized isdangerous.
• Never operate units with broken or missingparts, or
without protective housing or covers.
• Operate and store this unit on a stable surface.
• Check the fuel system for leaks or signs of deterioration,
such aschafed or spongy hose, looseor missingclamps,
or damagedtank or cap. Correct all defects before
operating the pressure washer.
• Do Not spray flammableliquids.
• Do Not secure the spraygun in the open position.
• Use a respirator or maskwhenever there isa chance
that vaporsmay be inhaled.Readall instructionswith
mask so you are certain the mask will provide the
necessary protection againstinhalingharmful vapors.
• Never aim the spray gun at people, animals or plants.
The high pressure stream of water that this equipment
produces can pierce skin and itsunderlying tissues,
leading to serious injuryand possible amputation.
• Never allow any part of the body to come in contact
with the fluid stream. Do Not come in contact with a
fluidstream created by a leakin the high pressure hose.
• Always wear eye protection when you usethis
equipment or when you are in the vicinitywhere the
equipment isin use.
• High pressure spray can causepaint chips or other
particles to become airborne.
• Do Not operate the pressure washer above the rated
• Never move the machine by pulling on the high pressure
hose. Use the handle provided on the unit.
• Always be certain the spraygun, nozzles and accessories
are correctly attached.
• High pressure spray may damagefragile itemsincluding
glass.Do Not point spraygun at glasswhen in the jet
spray mode.
• Hold the spraygun firmly in your hand before you start
the unit. Failureto do so could result in an injuryfrom a
whipping spray gun. Do Not leavethe spray gun
unattended while the machine is running,
• The cleaningarea should haveadequate slopes and
drainage to reduce the possibility of a fall due to slippery
• Keep water spray awayfrom electric wiring or fatal
electric shock may result.
• Do Not by-pass any safety device on this machine.
• The muffler and engine heat up during operation and
remain hot immediatelyafter shutting it down. Avoid
contact with a hot muffler or engine asyou could be
severely burned.
• High pressure hose can develop leaks from wear, kinking,
abuse, etc. Water sprayingfrom a leakiscapableof
injectingmaterial into skin. Inspect hose eachtime before
usingit. Check all hosesfor cuts, leaks,abrasions or
bulgingof cover, or damageor movement of couplings. If
any of these conditions exist, replace hose immediately.
Never repair high pressure hose. Replace it with
another hosethat exceedsmaximum pressure rating of
your unit.
• The muffler and air cleaner must be installedand in good
condition before operating the pressure washer.These
components act asspark arresters if the engine backfires.
In the State of California a spark arrester isrequired by law
(Section 4442 of the California Public Resources Code).
Other states may havesimilar laws.Federal laws applyon
federal lands.
NOTE: If you equip the muffler with a spark arrester, it
must be maintained in effective working order. You can
order a spark arrester through your authorized Honda
service dealer.