GPS SETUP menu description (con’t from previous page)
Item Description Settings Default Setting
During position fixing, ship’s velocity
(speed and course) is directly
measured by receiving GPS satellite
signals. The raw velocity data may
change randomly depending on
receiving conditions and other factors.
You can reduce this random variation
by increasing the smoothing. Like with
latitude and longitude smoothing, the
higher the speed and course smoothing
the more smoothed the raw data. If the
setting is too high, however, the
response to speed and course change
slows. For no smoothing, enter all
0-999 sec 5 sec
Latitude Offset Offsets latitude position to further refine
position accuracy. Use the N <- - > S
soft key to switch coordinate.
9.999’S –
0.0’ (no offset)
As above but for longitude. Use the W
< - - > E soft key to switch coordinate.
9.999’E –
0.0’ (no offset)
Every GPS satellite is broadcasting
abnormal satellite number (s) in its
Almanac, which contains general orbital
data about all GPS satellites, including
those which are malfunctioning. Using
this information, the GPS receiver
automatically eliminates any
malfunctioning satellite from the GPS
satellite schedule. However, the
Almanac sometimes may not contain
this information. If you hear about a
malfunctioning satellite from another
source, you can disable it manually.
Enter satellite number (max. 3
satellites) in two digits and press the
ENTER soft key.
Latitude Set initial latitude position after cold
start. Use the N < - -> S soft key to
switch coordinate.
90°S - 90°N 45°35.000’N
Longitude Set initial longitude position after cold
start. Use the W <- - > E soft key to
switch coordinate.
180°E – 180°W 125°00.000W
Enter the height of the GPS antenna
unit above sea surface.
0-99 m 5 m