
28-03-2003 Page 2-9 of 53
speed you need to install 3
part utility program on PC. Please visit www.if-
com.com for further information.
1. Turn off power
2. Press Key 1 low while power up. Board is now in setting mode. Text
will be printed on paper for further information
3. By activating key 1 and 2 you can change following parameters:
a. Test printout
b. Select Command set
i. I/F-COM command set (Default)
ii. Seiko compatible command set (Optional)
iii. Fujitsu compatible command set (Optional)
iv. APS compatible command set (Optional)
v. ESC/POS compatible command set (Optional)
c. Baud rate
i. 9600
ii. 19.200
iii. 38.400
iv. 57.600
v. 115.200 (Default)
vi. 230.400
vii. 460.800
d. Parity
i. 0 (Default)
ii. 1
e. Data bit
i. 7
ii. 8 (Default)
f. Stop bit
i. 1
ii. 2
g. Flow control
i. None
ii. Hardware (Default)
iii. Xon/Xoff
h. Dot size of printer
i. 384 dots (Default)
ii. 432 dots
iii. 448 dots
iv. 512 dots
v. 576 dots
vi. 640 dots
vii. 832 dots
viii. 1152 dots
i. Key 1 function
1. Input key (Default)
2. LED output
3. Label detect