28-03-2003 Page 2-12 of 53
(b) The data when executing the Vhead voltage response
(c) The data when the error status response is set and an error occurs
(d) The data when executing the execution response request
(e) The data when executing the remaining RAM capacity response
(f) The data when executing the environmental temperature response
At the selection of serial input, data (b) through (f) is transferred according
to the transfer conditions, which are set using the function switches.
However, the hardware error code (a) has the same conditions as those for
parallel input.
When transferring data, data control by SBUSY and Xon/Xoff is not
executed and the data is transferred with no conditions.
All of the transmission conditions of serial data transfer for sending
hardware error codes are fixed at the selection of parallel input as follows:
Baud rate: 115.200bps
Parity: none
Bit length: 8 bit
Stop bit: 1 bit Serial input/output port
Serial data output (TxD)
When Xon/Xoff control is selected, the Xon/Xoff signal is output.
Data is output according to the transmission conditions, which are set
by the function switches.
All response data is output.
Serial data input (RxD)
Data input port
Data is input from the host device according to the transmission
conditions, which are set using the function switches.
Serial busy (SBUSY)
Indicates whether or not the PRN607-S is ready to receive data.
When the SBUSY signal is low, data can be input.
When Xon/Xoff control is selected, SBUSY is always low.
2.6.2 Setting functions
Error processing when receiving serial data
The PRN607-S receives and checks serial data according to the
transmission conditions.
When the PRN607-S has received one byte of data without errors, the data
is stored in the input buffer.
If there are any errors, the following data is stored in the input buffer
according to the type of error.
Error type Error code
Parity error (!: 21