3. Using ScanSnap Organizer in Various Ways
You can select a printer by clicking T on the right side of the drop-down list.
[Properties] button
Displays the properties of the printer you selected in the “Name” drop-down list. If there are
similar setting items to the ones on the “Scan2Print” dialog box, the settings on the
“Scan2Print” dialog box have priority over the settings on these properties.
You can specify the number of copies you want to print. Select a number between 1 and 99.
Same size / Scaling down
You can select an output size of the images to be printed; you can shrink images to fit the
output paper size when images to be printed are larger than the specified paper size or print
them in original size.
Shrink to paper
Shrinks images to fit the output paper size when images to be
printed are larger than the specified paper size. Those images
smaller than the paper size are printed in original size.
Same size:
Prints images in original size regardless of the output paper
size. When images are larger than the paper size, images that
do not fit on the paper are cropped.
"Allow automatic rotation" checkbox
Images are rotated according to the length-to-width ratio of images so that they can be
printed in either portrait orientation or landscape orientation, whichever best fits.
"Center the image and print" checkbox
If you marked this checkbox when printing a document smaller than the paper, images are
centered and printed. Images will be printed on the upper left without the checkbox marked.
“All” radio button
This button being selected, all the pages are targeted for printing.
“Current page” radio button
This button being selected, only the page displayed in the ScanSnap Organizer Main window
is targeted for printing. When you click the button, the preview shows the page targeted.
“Pages” radio button
This button being selected, you can specify the page range to print.
[Print] button
Clicking this button prints images based on settings selected in this dialog box.
Clicking this button cancels all changes made in this dialog box and quits the printing