2. Basic Operations
2.4.1. Menu Bar (ScanSnap Organizer Viewer)
This section explains menus on the Menu bar in the ScanSnap Organizer Viewer window.
<[File] menu>
Save <Ctrl + S>
Saves the changes made on pages.
Save As
Saves the file in a specified name after editing pages.
Print <Ctrl + P>
Prints the file displayed in ScanSnap Organizer Viewer.
Close <Ctrl+W >
Closes the file opened.
Exits ScanSnap Organizer Viewer.
<[Edit] menu>
Undo <Ctrl + Z>
Undoes the most recent action such as the following.
● Cut
● Paste
● Insert / Delete page
● Rotate
● Move
Cut <Ctrl + X>
Cuts the selected page.
Copy <Ctrl + C>
Copies the selected page.
Paste <Ctrl + V>
Pastes cut or copied page.
Insert Page
Inserts pages from another file.
Delete Page <Del>
Deletes the selected page.
In the “Show the Page Only” view mode, this option name is switched to
“Delete displayed page” and selecting it deletes the displayed page.
Counterclockwise 90
Rotates the selected page 90 degrees counterclockwise.
In the “Show the Page Only” view mode, this option name is switched to
“Rotate displayed page ccw 90” and selecting it rotates the displayed
page 90 degrees counterclockwise.
Rotate 180
Rotates the selected page 180 degrees.
In the “Show the Page Only” view mode, this option name is switched to
“Rotate displayed page 180” and selecting it rotates the displayed page
180 degrees.
Rotate Clockwise 90
Rotates the selected page 90 degree clockwise.
In the “Show the Page Only” view mode, this option name is switched to
“Rotate displayed page cw 90” and selecting it rotates the displayed page
90 degrees clockwise.
Select All <Ctrl + A>
Selects all the pages.
Select displayed page
only <Esc>
Selects a displayed page only.