Scanner Interface
Appendix A-16
The INFORMATION TRANSFER phases use one or more REQ/ACK handshakes to control the
information transfer. Each REQ/ACK handshake allows the transfer of one byte of information.
During the INFORMATION TRANSFER phases the BSY signal shall remain true and the SEL
signal shall remain false. Additionally, during the INFORMATION TRANSFER phases, the target
shall continuously envelope the REQ/ACK handshake (s) with the C/D, I/O, and MSG signals in
such a manner that these control signals are valid for a bus settle delay before the assertion of the
REQ signal of the first handshake. These control signals remain valid until after the negation of the
ACK signal at the end of the handshake of the last transfer of the phase.
(1) Asynchronous information transfer
The target shall control the direction of information transfer by means of the I/O signal.
When the I/O signal is true, information shall be transferred from the target to the initiator.
When the I/O signal is false, information shall be transferred from the initiator to the target.
a. Asynchronous transfer from target to initiator
If the I/O signal is true (transfer to the initiator), the target shall first drive the DB (7-
0, P) signals to their desired values, delay at least one deskew delay plus a cable skew
delay then assert the REQ signal. The DB (7-0, P) signals shall remain valid until the
ACK signal is true at the target. The initiator shall read the DB (7-0, P) signals after
the REQ signal is true then indicate its acceptance of the data by asserting the ACK
signal. When the ACK signal becomes true at the target, the target may change or
release the DB (7-0, P) signals and shall negate the REQ signal. After the REQ signal
is false, the initiator shall then negate the ACK signal.
Min. 0ns bus settle delaybus settle delay