A.4 Commands
Appendix A-31
- Minimum X resolution: Bytes E and F
Indicates the minimum resolution in the horizontal scanning direction.
The scanner returns following value.
Without IPC option With IPC option
X’0064’ (100 dpi) X’0032’ (50 dpi)
- Minimum Y resolution: Bytes 10 and 11
Indicates the minimum resolution in the vertical scanning direction.
The scanner returns following value.
Without IPC option With IPC option
X’0064’ (100 dpi) X’0032’ (50 dpi)
- Standard resolution: Bytes 12 and 13
As shown in the table below, this parameter specifies the bits that correspond to the
resolutions that can be specified.
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Byte 12 60 75 100 120 150 160 180 200
Byte 13 240 300 320 400 480 600 800 1200
The scanner returns following value.
Without IPC option With IPC option
X’29D4’ X’FFFE’
- Window width: Bytes 14 to 17
Indicates the width of the data that can be read by the scanner in basic X resolution dots.
This scanner returns X'00001300'.
- Window length: Bytes 18 to 1B
Indicates the length of the data that can be read by the scanner in basic Y resolution dots.
This scanner returns X'00001B00'.
- Function: Byte 1C
Selects functions from the table below. This scanner returns X'0E' or X'0F'.