Chapter 3 MB91460 Series Basic Information
3.Interrupt Vector Table
Table 3-1 Interrupt Vector Table
The ICRs are located in the interrupt controller and set the interrupt level for each interrupt request. An ICR is
provided for each interrupt request.
The vector address for each EIT (exception, interrupt or trap) is calculated by adding the listed offset to the table
base register value (TBR). The TBR specifies the top of the EIT vector table. The addresses listed in the table are
for the default TBR value (0x000FFC00). The TBR is initialized to this value by a reset. After execution of the inter-
nal boot ROM TBR is set to 0x000FFC00.
Used by REALOS
ICR23 and ICR47 can be exchanged by setting the REALOS compatibility bit (addr 0x0C03 : IOS[0])
System reserved
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) support
Only for MB91V460. Please see Chapter 53 Fixed Mode-Reset Vector / BOOT-ROM (Page No.983) for boot
security vectors used on flash devices.
RN resource number used for DMA operation. No number means that this resource interrupt cannot be used to
trigger a DMA transfer.
Prog. Pulse Gen. 14 126 7E
ICR55 0x477
0x204 0x000FFE04 110
Prog. Pulse Gen. 15 127 7F 0x200 0x000FFE00 111
Up/Down Counter 0 128 80
ICR56 0x478
0x1FC 0x000FFDFC
Up/Down Counter 1 129 81 0x1F8 0x000FFDF8
Up/Down Counter 2 130 82
ICR57 0x479
0x1F4 0x000FFDF4
Up/Down Counter 3 131 83 0x1F0 0x000FFDF0
Real Time Clock 132 84
ICR58 0x47A
0x1EC 0x000FFDEC
Calibration Unit 133 85 0x1E8 0x000FFDE8
A/D Converter 0 134 86
ICR59 0x47B
0x1E4 0x000FFDE4 14, 112
- 135 87 0x1E0 0x000FFDE0
Alarm Comparator 0 136 88
ICR60 0x47C
0x1DC 0x000FFDDC
Alarm Comparator 1 137 89 0x1D8 0x000FFDD8
Low Voltage Detection 138 8A
ICR61 0x47D
0x1D4 0x000FFDD4
- 139 8B 0x1D0 0x000FFDD0
Timebase Overflow 140 8C
ICR62 0x47E
0x1CC 0x000FFDCC
PLL Clock Gear 141 8D 0x1C8 0x000FFDC8
DMA Controller 142 8E
ICR63 0x47F
0x1C4 0x000FFDC4
Main/Sub OSC stability wait 143 8F 0x1C0 0x000FFDC0
Boot Security vector
144 90 - - 0x1BC 0x000FFDBC
Used by the INT