
Users Manual
hot-neutral lines or on the neutral-ground lines. Sags
are only measured on the hot-neutral lines.
Outage Events Outage events less than one second
duration are recorded with half cycle resolution. Longer
outages are recorded with 8 second resolution.
Sags and outages are events that are closely related as
far as a VER is concerned. If the sag voltage falls below
the minimum operating voltage for longer than one
second, the event will be recorded as an outage. The
VER will go into a low power mode in order to conserve
battery life under these conditions.
During the low power mode operation, the VER will only
check for adequate line voltage every eight seconds.
When the line voltage is restored, normal logging
operation is resumed. This mode switching can present
confusing event data, especially when sags and
outages occur in a sequence.
The following table shows some examples for a 120V
VER. The minimum operating voltage for a 120V VER is
70Vrms and the settings are as follows:
Hot to Neutral Thresholds
Swell Voltage (Vrms): 128
Sag Voltage (Vrms): 105
Transient Deviation (V): 200
Neutral to Ground Thresholds
Swell Voltage (Vrms): 10
Transient Deviation (Vrms): 100
Frequency Thresholds
Maximum (Hz): 61.2
Minimum (Hz): 58.8
Examples 1 to 6 represent events that are recorded due
to line voltage sags of varying voltages and duration.
Examples 7 to 12 show events that are recorded when
sags and outages occur in sequence.